New Guidelines on Certain Aspects of The Appropriateness & Suitability Requirements

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Course outline:

  1. MIFID II: Principles of clients’ categorizations
  2. Procedure to re-categorize clients
  3. Criteria for appropriateness assessment for retail clients
  4. Exemptions: cases when the appropriateness test may not be carried out
  5. Criteria for suitability assessment for clients
  6. Sustainability preferences for suitability assessment
  7. Application of suitability testing to different types of clients
  8. Record –keeping requirements.

Target audience:

  • Regulatory Compliance officers
  • Risk managers
  • Internal Auditors
  • Persons employed in investment services departments
  • Employees involved in development of appropriateness an/or suitability tests
  • Client-facing staff
  • Executives and non-Executive Directors

Expected time to complete the course:

Recorded time: 4.15 hours
Reading and Testing: 45 minutes

Presented by:


Instructor: Mrs. Svetlana Tutunaru, MBA, holder of CySEC Advanced Certificate – Personal Identification number CN2386, with on-hands experience and skills in the industry for over 15 years, including experience in practical application and advisory work in relation to the MIFID, MAR, AML/TF legislation in Cyprus and other jurisdictions, acts as appointed Internal Auditor or Compliance officer in number of licensed brokers and funds in Cyprus.

Course Info
  • ,
  • 9
  • 1
  • 5 hours4 minutes