Course outline:
Part I: Organizational Requirements
- Control Functions: Regulatory Compliance, Risk Management & Internal Audit:
- relevant qualifications and conditions for appointment
- responsibilities
- types of documents to be kept by each control function
- reporting
- Governance Arrangements: Responsibilities of BOD & Senior Management
- Complaints handling: complaints management policy, record keeping, disclosures, communication with clients, dispute resolution entities, reporting to CySEC, monitoring
- Remuneration policies and practices
- Personal Transactions: overview, definitions, personal transaction policy
- Outsourcing: scope of critical and important operational functions, non-critical functions, conditions for outsourcing, service providers located in third countries
- Conflicts of Interest:
- conflicts of interest policy, procedures to prevent conflicts of interest, disclosures and records, sample of conflicts of interest register
- investment research and marketing communications organizational requirements, exemptions
- additional requirements
Part II: Operating Conditions
- Information to clients and potential clients:
- conditions applying to the provision of information
- information about the investment firm and its services
- information about financial instruments
- information concerning safeguarding of client financial instruments or client funds
- information on costs and associated charges
- Investment Advice:
- investment advice & personal recommendation
- information about investment advice
- interment advice suitability report
- investment advice on an independent basis
- Assessment of Appropriateness & Suitability
- Client agreements: main content
- Reporting to clients
- Best Execution criteria & Execution Policy
- Client Order Handling: aggregation and allocation of orders, transactions for own account
- Eligible Counterparties
- Record Keeping:
- retention of records
- minimum list of records to be kept by CIFs
- recording of telephone conversations or electronic communications
Target audience:
- Holders of Basic and/or Advanced Certificates
- Members of BOD & Senior Management of CIFs
- Control functions: Regulatory Compliance Officers, Risk Managers & Internal auditors
- CIFs’ External Auditors
- Employees of departments, offering financial services
- Fund managers and Portfolio managers
- Regulatory Compliance Advisors/ Consultants
Expected time to complete the course:
Recorded time: 5 h
Reading and Testing: 1 hour
Presented by:
Mrs. Svetlana Tutunaru, MBA, holder of CySEC Advanced & AML Certificates – Personal Identification number CN2386, with on-hands experience and skills in the industry for over 15 years, including experience in practical application and advisory work in relation to the MIFID, MAR, AML/TF legislation in Cyprus and other jurisdictions, acts as appointed Internal Auditor and Compliance officer or Compliance Support in number of licensed brokers and funds in Cyprus