Product Governance (ENG) – New Requirements Introduced by MIFID II

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Course outline:

  1. Understand the objective of Product Governance Requirements
  2. Overview of legal framework and its applicability
  3. Overview of Investment products under Product Governance
  4. Review the main duties and responsibilities of the Manufacturer
  5. Analyses of five main categories of Target Market
  6. Review the process of identification of Target Market by Manufacturers
  7. Review the main duties and responsibilities of the Distributor
  8. Identification of Target Market by Distributors
  9. Deeper look at other requirements for Manufacturers and Distributors under Product Governance regulation
  10. Clarification of other specific matters.

Target audience:

  • Executive and non-Executive Directors of CIFs, UCITs and AIFMs
  • Heads of Compliance and Risk Management Functions
  • Internal auditors
  • Employees of departments , offering financial services
  • Fund managers and Portfolio managers
  • Regulatory Compliance Advisors/ Consultants

Expected time to complete the course:

Recorded time: 1.45 hrs
Reading and Testing: 1.15 hrs

Presented by:

Course is prepared and presented by DELFI CORPORATE SERVICES LTD, Mrs. Svetlana Tutunaru, MBA, holder of CySEC Advanced Certificate – Personal Identification number CN2386, with on-hands experience and skills in the industry for over 15 years, including experience in practical application and advisory work in relation to the MIFID, MAR, AML/TF legislation in Cyprus and other jurisdictions, acts as appointed Internal Auditor or Compliance officer in number of licensed brokers and funds in Cyprus.

Course Info
  • ,
  • 10
  • 1
  • 2 hours46 minutes