Course outline:
- Understand the objective of Product Governance Requirements
- Overview of legal framework and its applicability
- Overview of Investment products under Product Governance
- Review the main duties and responsibilities of the Manufacturer
- Analyses of five main categories of Target Market
- Review the process of identification of Target Market by Manufacturers
- Review the main duties and responsibilities of the Distributor
- Identification of Target Market by Distributors
- Deeper look at other requirements for Manufacturers and Distributors under Product Governance regulation
- Clarification of other specific matters.
Target audience:
- Executive and non-Executive Directors of CIFs, UCITs and AIFMs
- Heads of Compliance and Risk Management Functions
- Internal auditors
- Employees of departments , offering financial services
- Fund managers and Portfolio managers
- Regulatory Compliance Advisors/ Consultants
Expected time to complete the course:
Recorded time: 1.45 hrs
Reading and Testing: 1.15 hrs
Presented by:
Course is prepared and presented by DELFI CORPORATE SERVICES LTD, Mrs. Svetlana Tutunaru, MBA, holder of CySEC Advanced Certificate – Personal Identification number CN2386, with on-hands experience and skills in the industry for over 15 years, including experience in practical application and advisory work in relation to the MIFID, MAR, AML/TF legislation in Cyprus and other jurisdictions, acts as appointed Internal Auditor or Compliance officer in number of licensed brokers and funds in Cyprus.